Our Missionaries
Dwight & Renee Bishop
John Mohler
Missionary to Belgium
Joe and Mary Mohler were approved as Baptist Bible Fellowship missionaries to Belgium in September 1968. They served with the BBF until December 1988, when they resigned due to physical reasons. Joe and Mary continued to work in Belgium as independent missionaries until their reinstatement in May 1996. Both Joe and Mary are 1969 graduates of Baptist Bible College in Springfield, Missouri. They served their internship at Grace Baptist Church in Amarillo, Texas. Joe was ordained at Grace Baptist. They have four grown children.
Randy and Melinda Carroll
"I was saved as a teenager after hearing a noted evangelist preach about lost church members. I realized he was talking about me. I was the first to arrive at church and the last one to leave (I was the janitor). I realized that all that church attendance had not brought salvation to my soul and that I needed Jesus. That night, I dropped to my knees and accepted Jesus Christ as my Savior. The following Sunday, I followed the Lord in Believer's Baptist at the Central Baptist Church located in Athens, Texas. During the years since graduating BBC, I have acquired several additional degrees, including a Doctor of Religious Education and Theology. "
Click here for list of supported missionaries.